Saturday, March 22, 2014

Still Life with Strings By L.H. Cosway

Still Life with Strings by L.H. Cosway

Jade Lennon stands still for money, well it’s more like a hobby. One night a man in a suit catches her eye and the way her looked at her it was different, like he knew her. No one could know it was Jade not in her costume. This man makes her want to throw caution to the wind but her years of sobriety

hangs in the balances. Taking a chance and doing something crazy, know she would never see him again, but boy was she wrong. The next day at Jade’s real job she sees him and will be seeing him on a daily basis. One thing leads to another and he wants her to teach him how to live. Can Jade teach him without breaking the rules she placed to keep him at arm’s length or are they fated together without them knowing?

L.H. Cosway has a talent writing the in the most amazing and captivating stories within a few pages, pulling you so far in you don’t breath until the last word on the last page. Then you look up from the book and you’re so consumed with the story that you feel that you were part of it with the emotions to real you don’t know if you should cry or start reading it again.  Still Life with Strings was no different, it was truly enchanting and provoking romance story. 

That attraction between Jade and Shane is so primal and unrefined, but the author wrote it in a way that you can feel it as you read what is happening between them. It was hot, breathtakingly stunning and world crushingly intense. Jade and Shane were tripping over the thin line of friendship and lovers and with that you have a large amount of growing anticipation, slow torture and sexual tension that really draws you in, keeping you, making you want more and not stopping until the torture is over. I found myself willing Jade in my mind, like Shane needs you, just jump on him already, but on the other hand I didn’t want Jade to break because that could be horrible. 
The best part of this book other than the overall breathtaking story was the extensive characters that seemed so real that I am pretty sure that you can find them at a concert hall in Dublin.

Jade, who has had a real tough live that would break many people. With the growing responsibilities and pressure she has I understand why she made ever choice in the book, but it more than that. I love Jade as a person, she overcame so much and doesn’t let that keep her down, even if she keeps herself controlled. She is one of my favorite kinds of characters to read about, strong willed, loving and real.
Shane comes off as shy, with a sexy confident under tone that has you weak in the knees, and then you melt in a puddle when you hear/read him take control in bedroom or with anything sexual because the alpha man comes out.  Shane was also lonely, broken and looking for something he was sure he was looking for.

Still Life with Strings is gripping story of hardships and finding love that is fated even if you don’t know it. Its touching and a MUST READ.

L.H. Cosway was born in London and her first crush was Ricky Martin. She want to be a rock singer at 18 and found out that boys only asked girls to be in their bands so they could have sex with them. She wrote her first book at age 20 and it was horrible, but now she is an amazing writer with many books out.  She had written books in many different genre including Science Fiction, young Adult and Romance.  

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