Book Details:

Category: YA fiction
Genre: Sci-fi, Dystopian, Time Travel, Historical
Publisher: Sands of Time Publishing
Published: 2011 to 2013
Available in: Print and e-book formats
Will send books: Internationally
Tour dates: May 1 to June 30, 2014
Content Rating: PG *Scroll down to bottom of email to see what this rating means.
Book Synopses:
The LENS and the LOOKER
BOOK #1 of The Verona Trilogy:
It’s the 24th century and humans, with the help of artificial intelligences (A.I.s), have finally created
the perfect post-dystopian society. To make equally perfect citizens for this world, the elders have created History Camps, full sized recreations of cities from Earth’s distant pasts. Here teens live the way their ancestors did, doing the same dirty jobs and experiencing the same degradation. History Camps teach youths not to repeat the mistakes that almost caused the planet to die. But not everything goes to plan.
In this first of a trilogy, we meet three spoiled teens in the year 2347. Hansum almost 17, is good looking and athletic. Shamira, 15, is sassy, independent and an artistic genius. Lincoln, 14, is the smart-aleck. But you don’t have to scratch too far beneath the surface to find his insecurities.
These three “hard cases” refuse the valuable lessons History Camps teach. But when they are kidnapped and taken back in time to 1347 Verona, Italy, they only have two choices; adapt to the harsh medieval ways or die. The dangers are many, their enemies are powerful, and safety is a long way away. It’s hardly the ideal environment to fall in love – but that’s exactly what happens. In an attempt to survive, the trio risks introducing technology from the future. It could save them – or it could change history.
Book #2 of the Verona Trilogy

Hansum, Shamira and Lincoln, three teens from the 24th-century, are trapped in 14th-century Verona, Italy. They’ve survived many deadly experiences by keeping their wits about them and by introducing futuristic technology into the past. Principal among these inventions is the telescope, which brought them to the attention of the rich and powerful.
But standing out can get you into unexpected – situations. The nobles of Verona now believe Hansum is a savant, a genius inventor, especially after he brings them plans for advanced cannons and black powder. Being the center of attention is great, but the potential for trouble is now exponentially greater because people are watching Hansum’s every move.
Meanwhile, artistic genius Shamira has fallen for a Florentine artist with bloody and disastrous consequences. Lincoln, considered an incompetent back home in the 24th-century, has blossomed – at least until he’s shot in the head with an arrow. And Hansum, after secretly marrying his new master’s beautiful daughter, Giulietta, is offered the hand in marriage of lady Beatrice, daughter of the ruler of Verona. To refuse could mean calamity for all the teens.
Amazingly, none of this is their biggest challenge. Because a rash illness is spreading across Verona – and it is threatening to consume everyone. Do they have a future in this past?
The LOVED and the LOST
Book #3 of The Verona Trilogy

A quest for lost love. An adventure of many lifetimes.
Hansum, Shamira and Lincoln are three 24th-century time travelers desperate to return to
14th-century Verona and reclaim their medieval family’s shattered lives. It is a mission fraught with danger and the risk of unexpected consequences for themselves and their worlds. For all three, it is a matter of the heart. For one, though, it is truly the only thing that matters, as the fate of his eternal love and the life of their unborn child is the prize to be won – or lost forever.
In this, the final book of The Verona Trilogy, our three time travelers go on the boldest adventure of their lives. They will face hardship, tragedy, and threats from sources they couldn't have imagined – all in an effort to wrestle a future from the steely grip of an unforgiving past.
The Lens and the Looker by Lory S. Kaufman
I haven’t read anything like this book before the concept is
fresh and exciting. Set in the future but played out in the past it was a
perfect mix of what the future holds but how the pasts plays a huge part in the
future. I loved the idea of using the past as a form of discipline, teaching
kids that they have it pretty easy now days. Sometimes a writer adds to much
detail or not enough but Kaufman adds just the right amount of detail that make
everything much more interesting. I am not a fan of historical novels, but this
one really pulled me in and kept me reading. Also I loved the used of time
travel, it wasn’t too much, so it didn’t over power the storyline like it can
in so many other books I have read. The Lens and the Looker is a well written
novel that anyone will like, it has the adventure, the detail and spot on plot
that will pull you in until the last chapter. 4 out of 5 stars.
The Bronze and the Brimstone by Lory S. Kaufman
The second book in the Verona Trilogy, start where you left
off in the first novel. I loved the first book, but I like this one more. The
action, adventure and excitement was anything I could asked for in a book, but
add hard times and an unknown future for the three teens. I could put it down, I
read it in one sitting. I was just as taking with the amount of detail as the
first book, but was a little disappointed that most of the story had to do with
Hansum and left little to do with Lincoln and Shamira. Not that it made the
story any less, but I just wanted more of them. I love Hansum and Guilietta,
when he tell her he loves her, I had tears. The Bronze and the Brimstone is
just as great as the first book, a really joy to read. 4 out of 5 stars.
The Loved and the Lost by Lory S. Kaufman
The last in the Verona Trilogy is my favorite in the
trilogy. The quest for lost love is one of my favorite types of plots and this
one almost took the cake as my all-time favorite. Hansum, Shamira and Lincoln
go the biggest adventure of their lives, the hardship, threats and tragedy they
face makes me heart go out to them. After reading the last to books, I invested
in each character and wanted the best for each of them. I watch them grow over
the last two books, becoming who they are now in the last one. I couldn’t put
this one down as well. I felt many things reading this one, surprised, disappointed,
frustrated, happy, and content, as well as amazed. This one kept me on the edge
of my seat, but also kept me on a roller coaster of emotions. I love this
trilogy! 4 out of 5 stars.
Meet the Author:

On the artistic side of Lory’s career, he’s written,
acted and directed children’s theatre and musical theatre. He enjoys
art, especially sculpture. He loves science fiction and historical
fiction and he has been deeply involved in the green movement all across
North America. All this shows through when you read his work. Lory has
three grown children and works and lives in Kingston, Canada.
Author website:
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